We often have to interact with linux servers over remote m/c's for deployment or maintenance issues. I would specify very basic commands which comes handy few times .
Running multiple commands on a remote machine after ssh:
Write the commands in a shell script and scp the file, now ssh to remote server and execute the file.
In my case i have written a ruby script
ssh ubuntu@ec2-addr /bin/bash << EOF
exec ssh-agent bash ; ssh-add /home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
system("ssh ubuntu@ec2-address /bin/bash << EOF
exec ssh-agent bash
ssh-add /home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
GIT_TRACE=1 git clone ubuntu@ec2-address:/home/ubuntu/vol/story.git
refer: Add Private Key permanently with ssh address on ubuntu
Identity file was added in .ssh/config file. Now when i try to take a git pull, it says permission denied as it's trying to use the key place in config file and not id_rsa.pub which was previously set.
The config file is present in .ssh/config. In case config file is not created then create one.
The file could be
HostName host-address
User username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem
To manage with multiple keys for different host names, use the below configuration in .ssh/config file.
Host ec2-**-***-**-***.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
HostName ec2-**-***-**-***.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_dev.pem
#Default GitHub
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host github-public
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_public
Host github-personal
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
Ssh to a remote instance:
ssh -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address
Scp a file or folder to a remote instance from local m/c:
File: scp -i path-to-private-key path-to-file-on-local-m/c username@instance-address:storage-path
Here you have two options with storage-path, replacing "storage-path" with " ."(Dot) will send the file to home folder of ec2 instance or complete path can be provided.
Folder: scp -r -i path-to-private-key path-to-folder-on-local-m/c username@instance-address:storage-path
Scp a file or folder from a remote instance to local m/c:
run the below commands from local m/c
File: scp -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address:path-to-file-on-remote-mac local-path-to-store-file
Folder: scp -r -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address:path-to-folder-on-remote-mac local-path-to-store-folder
Running multiple commands on a remote machine after ssh:
Write the commands in a shell script and scp the file, now ssh to remote server and execute the file.
In my case i have written a ruby script
ssh ubuntu@ec2-addr /bin/bash << EOF
exec ssh-agent bash ; ssh-add /home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
system("ssh ubuntu@ec2-address /bin/bash << EOF
exec ssh-agent bash
ssh-add /home/ubuntu/.ssh/key.pem
GIT_TRACE=1 git clone ubuntu@ec2-address:/home/ubuntu/vol/story.git
refer: Add Private Key permanently with ssh address on ubuntu
Identity file was added in .ssh/config file. Now when i try to take a git pull, it says permission denied as it's trying to use the key place in config file and not id_rsa.pub which was previously set.
The config file is present in .ssh/config. In case config file is not created then create one.
The file could be
HostName host-address
User username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem
To manage with multiple keys for different host names, use the below configuration in .ssh/config file.
Host ec2-**-***-**-***.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
HostName ec2-**-***-**-***.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_dev.pem
#Default GitHub
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host github-public
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_public
Host github-personal
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
Ssh to a remote instance:
ssh -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address
Scp a file or folder to a remote instance from local m/c:
File: scp -i path-to-private-key path-to-file-on-local-m/c username@instance-address:storage-path
Here you have two options with storage-path, replacing "storage-path" with " ."(Dot) will send the file to home folder of ec2 instance or complete path can be provided.
Folder: scp -r -i path-to-private-key path-to-folder-on-local-m/c username@instance-address:storage-path
Scp a file or folder from a remote instance to local m/c:
run the below commands from local m/c
File: scp -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address:path-to-file-on-remote-mac local-path-to-store-file
Folder: scp -r -i path-to-private-key username@instance-address:path-to-folder-on-remote-mac local-path-to-store-folder
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