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Showing posts from October, 2013

Rake not found in any source

Could not find rake-10.1.0 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) This is a very common issue sometimes and it took me time to figure it out. The passenger configuration present in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf was pointing to different ruby version. Change it accordingly depending on the specific ruby version being used. Steps i performed: $ rvm use  1.9.3p327 $rvm gemset list $rvm gemset create g1 $cd . Now edit the .rvmrc files present in project folder accordingly,  rvm use 1.9.3-p327@g1 From the project folder type $cd . and the ruby version with specific gemset is loaded for the application. You can also do  $  rvm use  1.9.3p327 --default  to make it default. Once more way i fixed this issue is, removed the gemset which i created and used the default gemset that is available. $ rvm gemset use default

No Reboot option while creating image from instance

No reboot option while creating image from instance is used when you don't want to restart the instance while the snapshot is being taken. If that option is checked, aws says the integrity of the file system cannot be guaranteed. By default it takes snapshots of the instance and any attached ebs volumes.

Adding name field for ebs volume

Select the ebs volume and go below, select tags and then add/edit tags. First field is by default Name, enter the value and it's updated. While trying to attach ebs to instance, stop the instance while attaching and detaching. It takes fraction of seconds.

Setting up Ghost-Blogger platform

Ghost blogger platform is very user friendly for creation blogs. Here are the basic steps i used to set it up Download the ghost blog code for a stable release or clone a github repo. ubuntu 13.04 comes shipped with old verion of node.js, so u just need to run $sudo apt-get install nodejs

MongDB 27017 vs 27018

Setting up a MongoDB server on a separate ec2 instance and then accessing it from the application and web interface. The default port used is 27017 by various MongoDB drivers while 28017 is used to handle HTTP requests and provides some general monitoring. In case you are interested to start mongod on a separate port for say security reasons, take it as 6565, then the monitor port will always be 7575. You can also query via web browser, sudo /etc/init.d/mongod --rest . Now simple queries can be executed like http://localhost:7575/database/collection/?filter_a=1 . I often use mongoid to access mongodb in my rails application and access the rails console using rails c production, which links me to the mongo database present on different ec2 instance. Use "connection strings" of the form mongodb://user:pwd@host:port/. Refer  MongoDB - HTTP Interfaces